Greetings Peoples! Thank you for taking time to view this posting.
If you have broken wheelchairs, rollators or scooters and the like and if you just want to get rid of them, get them out of your way, please contact me.
Your broken chair can be cannibalized for parts to complete another chair.
Having used parts on hand to complement cheap functional repair for people.
Depending on the condition, some I can/will repair and that allows me to get them to people with minimal cost to them.
The market for used mobility items is practically non existent.
What you (the insurance company) may have paid for a chair new and what you may think the value of it is now is, is insulting, but it is reality.
Many are in need of HEAVY cleaning and minor repairs that eat man hours and prevent any possible significant monetary offer.
Not to mention my TIME and FUEL COST.
In rare cases I may entertain making an offer.
Like an old used auto they become valueless except in parts.
Quite often I end up being a scrap service and just ridding people of something they keep moving around that is in their way.
But that is part of the costs I incur.
They are not donatable to the VA, Lions, or Salvation Army or just about anybody else due to liability issues.
The other reason is that they are usually HEAVILY SOILED from the previous owner that lived in it.
Many units I retrieve are not useful for anything and are scraped.
If you need wheelchair repair please contact me
wheelchair, wheel chair, power chair, mobility chair, scooter